Does the QuickBooks Desktop app syncs COGS?

  • Shashank Pandey

By default, our app does not sync COGS to QuickBooks. Calculating COGS is a QuickBooks internal feature. If you are tracking inventory in QuickBooks, then upon invoice/sales receipt created for the inventory type product QuickBooks automatically calculates the COGS for the product i.e. based on the cost price mentioned for the product in QuickBooks.

However, if you are not tracking inventory in QuickBooks and still want our app to sync COGS to QuickBooks along with the order sync, then we can set up a feature for your store to sync COGS journal entries. You will need to let us know the inventory asset account name from QuickBooks that will be credited and the COGS account name that will be debited. Upon this feature setup, we can also sync the COGS journal entries for the historical orders synced by our app i.e. based on the timeline you provide. The COGS journal entries will be synced to QuickBooks based on the cost price details provided for a product by Shopify.

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