Feature to sync COGS in summary sync option - Xero Bridge app

  • Chirag Patil

By default, COGS is not synced in summary sync option. Products are not synced when summary sync option is selected. However, with summary sync option, if you need to sync the COGS of the products then this feature can be set.

This feature creates a very simple journal based on sales included in the summary and enters the COGS as a journal entry. One COGS entry will be created in Xero for each summary.

To set this feature, you need to provide us the Inventory asset account (For Credit) and the COGS account which should be an Expense Account (For Debit). 

While syncing the COGS, the inventory asset account will be reduced and the COGS account will be increased.

This feature can be set up by our team. Contact our support team at apps@parextech.com or from the Contact Us page of this site to set this feature.

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