Feature to swap the billing and shipping address of the customer - Xero Bridge app

  • Chirag Patil

This article explains how the address of Shopify customer is synced to Xero and the feature to swap the ‘PO Box’ and ‘Street’ addresses in Xero.

The addresses in Xero work bit differently. The contact in Xero that is created by our app will have 2 addresses (Billing and Shipping) in Xero if it had both of them in Shopify.

By default, our app sends Billing address from Shopify to Postal/PO Box address in Xero and the Shipping address from Shopify to Street Address of Xero. This is mapped after discussion and input from Xero & Shopify. We have a feature to swap the addresses.

It is Xero which displays one or both addresses on the invoice. In Xero, you also have a feature to modify the invoice template to show either one or both addresses and also decide the position of the address on the Invoice.

If you want the Shipping address to go to the ‘PO Box’ address type in Xero and the Billing address to go to the ‘Street’ address type in Xero then we have a feature and this feature will only swap the addresses.

Contact our support team at apps@parextech.com or from the Contact Us page of this site to set this feature.

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