Feature to sync payment method name to the payment reference field in Xero - Xero Bridge app

  • Chirag Patil

By default, our app syncs the order number from Shopify in the payment reference field of Xero invoice. This feature syncs payment method name to the payment reference field in Xero. 

For example, if the order is paid by Afterpay payment method then this feature will sync "Afterpay" in payment reference field in Xero.

Payment method name and order number, both of them can also be synced with this feature. For example, if the order #1001 is paid by Afterpay payment method then it will display "Afterpay | #1001" in payment reference field of Xero.

Contact our support team at apps@parextech.com or from the Contact Us page of this site to set this feature.

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